Storytelling for Change
Storytelling for Change
One Frame at a Time
One Frame at a Time

Green Earth Warriors, Laikipia, Kenya
Organizational Film Production (August 2023)
In August 2023, we collaborated with Green Earth Warriors (GEW) and WYSS Academy to produce an organizational film. Through compelling visuals and storytelling, we aimed to highlight the significance of environmental conservation and youth involvement in these crucial activities.
Brand Kit Design (October 2023)
In October 2023, we designed a comprehensive brand kit for Green Earth Warriors, including a new logo and organizational font. This rebranding effort enhances their presentation and outreach, helping them to better connect with their audience and stakeholders.

Ewaso Enclave, Laikipia, Kenya
In July 2023, we donated two trail cameras to a Samburu community-led organization in Ewaso Enclave, Laikipia, Kenya. These cameras are instrumental in monitoring wildlife movements across a 30,000-hectare area, aiding in the protection and study of local wildlife populations.
Donation of Trail Cameras (July 2023)

Dholia, Jaisalmer
Awareness Workshops (2023)
In 2023, we conducted a series of awareness workshops for over 1100 children from government and public schools in Dholia, Jaisalmer. Partnering with Radheshyam Bishnoi, a local conservationist, we aimed to educate young minds about the importance of local wildlife, particularly focusing on the Great Indian Bustard – Rajasthan's state bird and a critically endangered species.
Wildlife Conservation Support
We also extended our support to the local conservation efforts by donating funds for the maintenance of water holes in the community Oran lands.